Commissioned Judaica Services
Commissioned Judaica Services
[Representative work pictured: ultraWAVE Art Metal Champlevé Replica of Bet Alpha Synagogue Mosaic / available for decorative plate center roundel]
ultraWAVE Art Metal Studio also offers its unique metalsmithing services for patron driven customized Judaica. A broad-based wealth of referential source text and imagery provides a starting point for a customized decorative vessel. Like many of the Studio’s decorative vessels, the decorative Judaica are realized in kiln fired glass inlay on heavy gauge patinated copper.
Referential graphics for the vessels are typically sourced from liturgical poetry, biblical (and post biblical) text, medieval manuscript illuminations and Middle Eastern mosaics in-situ. We can work with you to select a suitable reference source.
The vessels are intended for private or institutional placement. We would be glad to work with you to develop a very special work for presentation (with dedication text), devotional inspiration or decoration.
Please send a Request for Quote (RFQ) to the Studio by the website Contact form (at the bottom of the “About the Studio” page) or by direct email to The Shopping Cart is not functional or monitored for commissioned work.